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"illegal" Loads
• UK hauliers face prosecution for carrying undeclared dangerous cargoes on board the disaster ferry, Herald of Free Enterprise. Townsend Thoresen, the ferry's owner, claims it......
Tipper Reward: 0,000
• Penlline Haualge is offering a reward of £.3,000 for information leading to the recovery of a tipper stolen from the company's depot at 3am on Thursday, 16 April. The vehicle,......
Report Slams Uk Hauliers
• Britain's hauliers are criticised for inefficiency in two new reports on the British road haulage industry by ICC Business Ratios. The reports, Road Hauliers — Major, and Road......
In Seven Companies Associated With The Road Transport...
Ferrymasters is the only true road haulage company to be included with an award for export achievement. Managing director Jim Brooke says: "To have our achievements recognised......