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Waste Wagon's Gross Appetite
A NEW type of waste collection vehicle has been commissioned by the Grundon Group. Built by the Lancashire based Scapa Engineering Co Ltd, the FL 3000 is claimed to achieve......
Artic Convert
TWO Seddon Atkinson rigids converted into tractive units by Primrose have entered service with an own-account operator in Warwickshire — Thwaites Engineering Co Ltd of......
The End Of Wire Brushing
MAYVIL Chemicals Ltd Sandbach, Cheshire, has troduced a cleaning cone( trate, Alubrite, for use on t painted aluminium surfac which does away with tin consuming use of the w......
Compact Cranes
A NEW I7-metre hydrau lorry-loading crane has bE introduced by Lyka Cran The new crane is claimed give a lifting power of 11.4 tc at a nominal 5ft reach. The company says ty......