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Uneconomic 1
iervices cut E.' SCOTTISH Traffic Cornstoners in Aberdeen have roved a severe cut-back in Alexander & Sons (Norm) Ltd bus services beta Aberdeen and New PitD . he bus company......
Jet Extension
AN EIGHT-YEAR extension of the United States Government's gas-turbine coach programme has been announced by Greyhound. Four more MC8 Amencruisers — similar to one which was......
Irish To Charter In Upsurge
AN UPSURGE in tourist traffic has prompted Coras Iompair Eireann to charter six Irish-built coaches from Britain for the summer season. The long association between CIE and......
Double Service
The are being used to cope with additional traffic, most of which has come from the United States, and are scheduled to return to Scotland in November when they will be sold.......