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Screen Test For Prestel
I THOUGHT Tim Cobb's item on RHA Cargofax (CM, October 30) was interesting, particularly the reference to the transport manager who suggested that it would make the project more......
The Great Debate
MR THORPE'S letter (CM, October 30) does not reflect facts published by the Department of Transport in their TRRL report SR 509, where it was stated that higher lorry weights......
For Whom The Hell, Tolls?
WRITING in an entirely personal capacity I find myself in complete disagreement withboth your editorial of November 20 and Mr Richard Turner of FTA on the subject of estuarial......
Trucking In Canada
SORRY to point out a small error in John Durant's excellent article on trucking in Canada {CM November 20), but the artic on pages 66/7 is no Mack but a Brockway. This......
Long-term Exhibitor Replies
I WAS NOT surprised to read Anthony Fraser's reply to your editorial on the "Motor Show 82", in fact I half expected it (CM, November 27). Let's be honest, it is a Motor Show......
Drawbar Units Can Cut Costs
IT IS TO be greatly regretted tha Government has chosen to discriminate against drawbar trailer combinations in the recent proposals for higher gross vehicle weights. This......