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Yard Heads Brs Division
BRITISH ROAD SERVICES' membership services division is becoming a separate operating entity within the BRS group, under the command of director Gerry Simmons. Stan Ward, manager......
Lt Bus Chief
)11N WITHEY is now manageent development officer for ondon Transport's bus divi3n. He will be responsible for e preparation and manageent of a major training and deqopment......
Davies At Seaboume
PETER DAVIES has been taken on by the Seabourne Express Group as international marketing manager. He was previously with IPEC's UK operation for three years as national......
Sutton Grows
SUTTON AND SON Truck Rental has made two changes to strengthen and expand its nationwide operation. Norman Woosey becomes contracts manager based at the company's head office at......
Man-vw's New Parts Manager
SERVICE AND PARTS operations of MAN-VW are being strengthened by the closer linking under a single manager. Andy McLeod, now parts and service manager, was formerly service......
Mbe For Smith Of Cartransport
JOHN SMITH (left), Cartransport's administrations officer responsible for pay, pensions and taxation, with his wife Doris when he received his MBE at Buckingham Palace earlier......