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Open Anc Shut Case At Dover
IT WAS a case of open and shut for the new Dover relief road on Friday — it was opened in a blaze of publicity and shut a few hours later because of gale force winds. But that......
Brewery Peace Plan
DRIVERS at seven Whitbread brewery depots have agreed to a peace formula to end their six-week-old dispute over the manning of new equipment introduced by the company. The......
SHORT HAULS Harvester hit PROFITS of the giant International Harvester group dropped by 16 per cent to $25.2m in the first quarter of the financial year, mainly because the bad......
Scotts Take-over
A TRUCK recovery firm that started in business 50 years agO has been taken over by Scotts of Nottingham Ltd. Scotts has bought most of the assets of E. W. Harrison and Son......