25th February 1977, Page 25
25th February 1977
Page 25
Page 25, 25th February 1977
Dump Up In Poly
DUMPER TRUCK tipping bodies made from Leguval, an unsaturated polyester resin with glassfibre reinforcement are proving their worth. Bayer AG in Germany has been evaluating......
First Fiat 170s For Uk Hauliers
THE FIRST 25 Fiat 170 series 40-tonne (39.4-ton) tractive units for Britain were handed over to the company's UK distributors last week. This first batch were all fitted with......
Vw Plans Bucks Hq
THE CUMMINS engine company has announced plans to expand its diesel engine plant at Shotts in Lanarkshire to double present output. With some financial assistance from the......