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Piracy Among Seals In Home Waters
FAR-EASTERN entrepreneurs are not only pirates of British branded products. Stemco Truck Products, which has been campaigning for 18 months against cheats who have been selling......
Work Sharing Means Pay Sharing
WORK SHARING and shorter working hours are being urged on Common Market countries by the European Communities Commission. Less is heard of pay sharing, although the Commission......
From One Horsepower To Pantechnicons
FROM LITTLE ACORNS .. . Gauntlett International has proved itself as a thoroughbred in the removals business and the quietly confident look on the driver's face suggests he......
Anc — The Lines Are Open At Last
MY FEATHERED friend Buzby, at present out of favour and banished to the vaults of British Telecom as it seeks a new image in spaceage communications, tells me that his......
Japanese Not Company Slaves
THE MYTH that Japanese workers are sycophants who are born into bondage is exploded by the obstacles that trade-union leaders have placed in the way of Nissan's establishment of......
One Way To Put Your Foot In It!
STRANGE things fall off the backs of lorries but none more macabre than an amputated leg and foot in a yellow plastic bag which a Somerset man found in the road near Yeovil. He......