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A Lifetime On The Road
For the past few nights the Hawk has been tucked up in bed with Spiers of Melkshaal—no, it's not what you're thinking. The object of my affection is a book by transport writer......
Rough Justice
The Hawk has learnt of a supreme example of adding insult to injury. Shopkeeper Muriel Week Icy, 63, of Mattby, South Yorkshire, has been issued with a parking ticket for the......
Toys For Boys
Some dads make their little 'uns a kite, or perhaps a sailing boat to race in the village pond. But two-year-old Thomas Floyd's father thinks big: he built his son a 21ft......
Photo Finnish
In his more fanciful moments the Hawk sometimes imagines himself as a daredevil racing driver. In truth he finds the wheelshake once he hits 60mph in his Reliant Robin tips the......