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'ewer Seek Licences
ERF was a 27 per cent fall he number of applications new road service licences L) in 1984/85, according figures just published by 1)epartment of Transport. he annual reports of......
Inspector Raps Strathclyde Pte And Sbg
IN WHAT is likely to be one of the last road service licensing appeals to be considered by Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley, he has rejected appeals by Strathclyde PIE and......
Lin Man's Guide Deregulation
PLAIN MAN's guide to 1985 Transport Act, eking the way to operate deulated bus services, is ig published early next nth by - 1'ransport PubMg Projects. lie 170-page book, Your......
Volvo B9ms For Heathrow Hotels Contracts
THE HRST or five Plaxtonbodied Volvo 119M semicoaches has been delivered to Ralphs Coaches, the Heathrow Airport specialist operator. They are to be used on courtesy services......