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38-tonners Save £50m
THE USE of 3 8-tonne vehicles in 1 9 8 4 saved operators around 5() million. a new Department of Transport report has revealed. "[he raising of the maximum weight allowed on the......
Spanish Permit Famine Ahead?
1 lIE DEPA 'fransport believes that in national road haulage pen . for UK operators running Spain may soon be in gre. demand. As a result of Spai accession to the EEC on J nary......
Two More Areas Agree Wage Deals
TWO MORE regional negotiating groups have agreed wage rates For hire or reward haulage drivers in their areas. In Devon and Cornwall, where the agreement runs from February 1,......
Chinese Cargo Tippers Leave For Peking
IHE FIRS . 1 . of 150 Ford Cargo trucks being exported to China have been shipped already. A trading company, Outsign, won the order last year from China's Ministry of......