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Tandem-drive Bogie With Three Speeds
A RECENT development by the Eaton Manufacturing Co., U.S.A., has been a tandem-drive bogie with three speeds, an arrangement evolved from their existing two-speed bogies. The......
London Fares Up
B US, tube and train fares are to be increased in the London area from January 15, next year. The Transport Tribunal has been asked to sanction a general increase from that......
Transport Ministers To Visit Ulster
I - 1 A N examination of the present trans port situation between Britain and Northern Ireland is to be made by Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, who is to visit......
Irish Ferry Services
ERE is still hope for a container service between Preston and Dublin, according to Mr. J. F. Jolley, traffic manager of the Irish Ferry Service. He said last week: "Negotiations......