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Newcomer Gets Licence To Carry Caravans
D ESPITE opposition from British Railways, who run special trains for caravan deliveries, a newcomer was granted a B licence, by the Deputy Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. G.......
Staggered Lunch Hour Qouth Shields Education 1 , --)...
asked to " stagger " the lunch hour at local schools to help the transport undertaking. The transport manager, Mr. J. Crawford, said that it would not be possible to provide......
D Avid Brown Taskmaster Industrial Wheeled Tractors Will...
yellow bodywork with red wheel rims and centres. The use of yellow paintwork, in this case complies with vehicle colour regulations in force at many airfields and airports.......
Ford Offer Approved
L'OLLOWING an announcement in the I Commons on Monday by Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the Government would not oppose the bid for the remaining shares in......
His Business Is Booming
INCREASED earnings by over £11,00C I and substantial rises in the amounts paid to sub-contractors over the past financial year were claimed by Joseph Walsh (Darwen), Ltd., when......
B.m.c. Drivers' Club
B.M.C. Drivers' Club, founded five years ago, now has a total of 95,000 members.......