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Hydrostatics Could Save 35 Per Cent Of Bus Fuel Costs
WORK is proceeding on a hydrostatic transmission for buses at the National Engineering Laboratory at East KiIhride, it was revealed this week. A full-sized bus with prototype......
Minibus Operator Neglected Notice
A WORTHING minibus operator had one public service vehicle licence revoked, the renewal of a second refused and a new application turned down by the South Eastern Traffic......
Lt To Ask Roy Jenkins For Help With Hooligans
HOME SECRETARY Roy Jenkins is to be asked by London Transport to persuade magistrates to take tougher action on bus thugs. The move follows a meeting of bus delegates from LT......
Fleet Name Policy
NATIONAL Travel (South East) Ltd has told CM that it has adopted a deliberate policy of not painting the Samuelsons, Tillings and Timpsons fleet names on the side of vehicles......
Mechanics' Pay Deal
AGREEMENT was reached last week on a measured incentive pay scheme for Chiswick and Aldenham bus overhaul works. The threestage deal means that works staff at the two plants......