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I Have Just Obtained A Job With A Haulage Company
as a traffic clerk. Is there any course which I can attend to gain a better knowledge of traffic office work? The Road Transport Industry Training Board runs a course at its......
Q From Time To Time I Have Seen Questions About People
who wish to become hgv drivers and the answers you have given. I, too, wish. to become, such a driver, but though I have followed your advice given to others, I have been......
Transport Industry Training Board. If He Is Satisfied...
applicant is suitable, he will forward the application to the Training Services Agency with a favourable recommendation. The TSA will make the necessary arrangements for the......
Q My . School Runs A 14-seat Minibus Wich I
occasionally drive. As no charge is made to the passengers it .is, there/ore, not classified as a public service vehicle. Could you tell me what .is the maximum speed at which......
Q I Hold A Class 3 Hgv And A Psv Licence.
I have been driving a Bedford 53-seater coach [six-wheeler) for a. small . firm, for some six years or more, as well as a 7ton lorry. The owner has now retired and the coach has......