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Speedy Fuel Drains • A Fuel Tank Drainer Made By
Drester and much used in Sweden removes dery or petrol at eight litres a minute and is now being marketed in Britain by Redashe. Inside the drainer, sediment and water is......
Migatronic Addition I An Addition To The Migatronic...
Automig 185X, is a combined MIG, resistance and shrink machine, specially developed to weld thin plate and eliminate burnthrough problems relating to the welding of old plate.......
Waste Oil Heaters • P. G. W. Engineering Reckons It
has opened up a wider market for waste oil heaters with its Oi[miser range starting at £230 for a 50,000 Btu per hour from around one litre basic heater kit. Improvements in......
Iii Workshop Profile
SPECIALIST WELDER In A survey of firms specialising in the reclamation of diesel engines indicates that cracked and damaged engine blocks and heads present the biggest......
Damp Out Those Winter Problems • Damp-out Spray, Aimed At
ensuring trouble-free starting on damp winter mornings, can also be used to lubricate and protect locks, hinges, cables and linkages and also to free rusted nuts and bolts. It......
Plastpaic In Ici Autocolor Has Added An Anti-static...
a texturing base for two-packs to its range of Plastpak products designed to solve the problems involved in painting plastics. The Cleaner (P273-1050) has been formulated to......