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No Trouble
• I refer to an article on page 11 of the September 20 issue, regarding the Leyland Freighter Fire Appliance. To put the record straight, Fulton and Wylie was awarded the......
Safety Speed Iii It There Was Any Correlation Between Road
safety and speed limits then there might be logic in the No Need To Speed campaign. No-one lying on an operating table and awaiting delivery of a vital organ for transplant is......
Scrap Ianes
• With the proposed deregulation of buses is it not time that bus lanes are also deregulated? I have said from the beginning that it is wrong for the alleged poor (bus users)......
Man's Tne Man • The Hawk's Normally Keen Bird's Eye
View (October 4) missed the point that the Corporation of London's semistate coach is so delicate and valuable an item that a fully air-suspended truck was required to move it......
Anything They Can Do • • .
• [ was interested to read the article in your publication about News Editor Brian Weatherley's HGV course and subsequent successful test. If, at some time in the future, anyone......
P1ever Minci Me Torque • Andrew English's Road Test Of...
He said the engine "lacked the torque of its [DI contemporaries". Not so. . leastways not according to the evidence of 'Commercial Motor'. Figures you have published from road......
Forgotten Cv • [ Have Just Heard The President Of The...
the radio extolling the virtues of the "Motor Show" at the NEC and I am not only mad but appalled that he did not once mention commercial vehicles. Even if he'd said Motor......
Come In, Rotinoff
• I would like to contact readers regarding information and photographs of the vehicles made by the firm of Rotinoff Motor Ltd of Colnbrook, Slough, Buckinghamshire, who made......