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The Sleeper Is Not The Problem
ONCEAGAIN reading your magazine I've come across a picture of a driver having a sleep over the steering wheel. I am becoming highly incensed by the routine use of these......
Hell Drivers From Rush Green?
IAM RESEARCHING the classic 1957 Pinewood film Hell Drivers and was hoping that you or one of Commercial Motor's readers might have some information on the film. I'm......
The T&g Your Friend Abroad
THE LEAD story in CM 18 September, about driver Ray Ford's treatment at the hands of the Italian police, shows the need for every driver to get the strength of 800,000 members......
I'm Already Qualified And More!
WHATW1LL be next? The industry is facing fuel price probIerns, strikes and blockades from other industries and God knows what else these day& Companies are preparing for the......