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Strike Warning Hits Tempo
A THREAT OF industrial action over pay is looming at three more Tesco distribution centres following walkouts by drivers at a depot in Lincolnshire. Pay talks for hundreds of......
Ic Heaps Faces Racism Allegation
A COMPLAINT about alleged racial discrimination has been levelled at Traffic Commissioner Christopher Heaps after a Public Inquiry (PI). The managing director for transport......
Freebie Autobahns
The German motorway network will be free of charge until the delayed LKW Maut electronic tolling scheme begins on 2 November after the country withdrew from the Eurovignette......
Pay Promise
Tony Woodley, the new T&G general secretary has promised to tackle low wages and poor conditions at the launch of the union's Drivers' Charter. He promised to fight for a......
Fag Haul
Customs officers seized 1.2m cigarettes worth E270,000 in a consignment of sweets in a truck at Blyth services on the Al M last Saturday (20 September). The Lithuanian driver......
Stolen Scania
A Scania R124LA 6X2 was stolen from Toll Bar Commercials, Leamington Spa last Saturday (20 September). The truck, registration R878 UHP, has a white cab with a black chassis.......
Night Cruise
Channel Freight Ferries will launch a new cross-channel service between Southampton and France, next January. Two ships, holding100 mostly unaccompanied units, will work the......