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Fares Up But W Yorks Will Still Be• In Red
WEST YORKSHIRE PTE still expects to have a E6.175m deficit this year, despite a 24 per cent fares increase which was granted 3n Monday by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners.......
Low Fares
i0UTH YORKSHIRE PTE's !heap fares policy will cost E48.3am next year, of which E43.5m will come from local Funds. This represents a £12m inn - ease on the 1979/80 figure, ind......
• running WITH the future of the Moscow Olympics now in doubt what was a promising exercise in international coach operation could yel be lost. Wallace Arnold's Euroways......
Car Share
GOVERNMENT plans for legal guidelines on how earsharing motorists may charge passengers for the running costs of the journey have now been dropped. An amendment to the Transport......
B211 For Argentina
LEYLAND'S B21, the chassis incorporating National-type engineering and driveline for markets wishing to build their own bodies, is going to Argentina. Open again to foreign......