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They're Backing Leyland
N REPLY to Mr Johnston's letter - Not Backing Leyland" (CM, December 29, 1979), we as a commercial vehicles sales force get a first-rate backing from Leyland and in turn we pass......
We As A Family Haulage Business Have Run Nothing But
Leyland vehicles, as we find their products equal to anything else — despite Mr Johnston's views. We operate from a small village in the Fens and even here by a small journey in......
Leyland Ashamed Of Its Name?
SO LEYLAND has finally managed to back a winner — Saudia Williams. Somewhat ironic, though, that it should be Ford powered. Another outstanding example of good old Leyland's......
Food For Thought For Hgv Drivers
I SHOULD LIKE to draw the attention of your readers to a situation which has recently developed at the Oxford Motorchef Services. New regulations have been introduced, banning......
The Heavier The Better
IN YOUR edition of December 29, 1979 you report Transport 2000 as saying that the use of heavy lorries - has grown considerably" and that, as a result, "fuel consumption per ton......
Don't Blame It On Newcastle
I FEEL I must defend the Department of Transport IRFO Newcastle, following your statement (CM, January 12) that it has been unable to issue any single-journey permits for this......