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£73m More For London's Transport
THE CM January 5 edition refers to the new rating arrangements for London Regional Transport, coming to the conclusion that "Overall the ratepayers in London were having to find......
Alternatives To 6x4
I MUST clear up a misunderstanding which obviously exists based on your review of CM road tests (January 5). Our recommendations on the 6x4 versus 6x2 argument have always been......
Tax Allowances On Meals
I WAS INTERESTED to read (CM, November 3) about employers having difficulties getting tax allowed off meal money for drivers in their employ. Many employers (HCB Angus and PDT......
"buses Off Our Hands"
IN REPLY to Councillor James Cook of Edinburgh, regarding the intended break-up of the city's bus system by the Government of the Lothian Transport services (CM. December 22/29,......