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Costs Stable Unless Wages Rise
By Karen Miles OPERATORS' costs this year will rise at last year's level, provided that drivers do not push for higher wage rises, according to the Henley Centre for......
A Slightly Optimistic Picture For Increases In Rates Is...
by the Henley Centre and Dr Bernard Warner as the UK economy continues its very slow recovery. But the rises in rates are not expected to be over and above inflation in the next......
The Amount Of Freight Carried By Lorries Will Increase...
this year as the economy becomes more active, but will slacken off by 1989, forecasts the Henley Centre. But there are possibilities for a far healthier economy and freight......
To Survive, Operators Should Look For Specialist Areas In...
to compete and offer a good and well marketed service, said Dr Warner. Operators who wish to stay in road haulage should move into the contract hire and contract services......