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We Have Ignition
Test equipment The following items of test equipment are required : DC Voltmeter (Scale 0-20V) (Preferably Industrial Grade); hydrometer; HT jumper cable; test capacitor......
Q One Of My Drivers Has Been Accused Of Causing Damage
to a car while reversing and of driving away without stopping to exchange particulars with the owner of the car and not reporting the accident to the police. He insists that he......
Q One Of My Vehicles Has A Demountable Horsebox Body And
I use it for transporting horses to hunt meetings when the occasion arises. I am told that the ramp with which the animals are loaded now must have side rails. Could you say......
Q If The Maximum Length Of A Vehicle Combination Is 18
metres, as in the case of a drawbar trailer outfit for instance, how is it possible for a 15-metre articulated vehicle to be recovered by a breakdown vehicle? Surely this......
Q Some Vehicles I Have Seen Which Are Used For The
longer-distance foreign journeys have television sets installed in the cab. I understand that there is a law against the installation of TV sets on motor vehicles so how is it......
I Have Heard That A Change In Road Vehicle Insurance
might be made as the result of a Bill now before Parliament. Could you explain? A Private Member's Bill on the initiative of Mr Graham Page was debated in the House recently and......