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Govt Silent On Amos But It Likes Minis
STRONG SUPPORT for the increasing use of minibuses has come from the Government. All three Department of Transport ministers underlined their backing for minibuses during......
Cross-tyne Bus Can Stay
THE LOW FELL Coaches cross-Tyne bus service can stay, Transport Secretary David Howell has ruled, but it could soon have a public sector competitor. Mr Howell has over-ruled his......
Lt's Surplus After Odd Year
LONDON TRANSPORT ha turned a predicted £15m defic into a Elm surplus for 1982. Th compares with a deficit in 19E of £64.7m. LT's budget was reset in Fel ruary last year after......
Coaches Beat British Rail
PRIVATE COACH services ha been winning thousands of pa sengers from British Rail. Figures out shortly will shE that the number of journeys season ticket holders is down per......