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Vaste For Lire Or Reward
OES the decision of the ransport Tribunal (CM, ebruary 19, page 11) remove /este Disposal Companies from le scope of RTITB as it appears ' at we are not carrying waste )r hire......
Iritish 'quality' An Save Us
FHY BUY FOREIGN? (CM inuary 20, 1983). Why not buy ritish? (CM any year). A current theme in Commercial rotor, but we never seem to get lywhere. The study of buying......
Kicking Public Transport Around
I MUST SAY that I was very surprised that Mr Finch should write from Worcestershire about the problems of fares in the GLC area. A short while ago I decided to try public......
The Art Of Selling British
MR WHITE's letter (CM. January 22) and his reasons for not buying British illustrate quite simply that the millions of pounds invested by the manufacturer are simply wasted if......
Tail Lifts Revisited
WITH REFERENCE to David Wilcox's well-written article on Tail lifts (CM, 19 February), as importers of the Swedish Zepro we feel it worth amending a few facts which are not......