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Employers 'sensible' In Wage Bargainin
HAULAGE DRIVERS' national union officer this week praised employers' response to the winter's wage claims, as the first settlements of around six per cent looked only a......
Featherstone Slams Dtp
DEPARTMENT of Transport claims that down-licensing would create enforcement difficulties are "pure fabrication", Freight Transport Association director-general Hugh Featherstone......
Night Bans
FIFTY OPERATORS have be made the subject of a £50,C study commissioned by t Greater London Council investigate the likely effects night and weekend lorry bans its area. The......
Kelvin Hall Success
Just over 140,000 attended the show, compared with 132,081 for 1981. This year's figure is still four per cent below the 1979 total of 144,000. Commenting on the figures, a......