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Rivett For Australia
PAUL RIVETT is to become managing director of the National Freight Consortium's Australian removals and distribution subsidiary Downarcl-Pickfords. The appointment takes place......
Independent Home
THE INDEPENDENT Express Corporation has taken on Mike Horne as national sales manager. He heads up the 22-strong sales team and 11 internal sales staff. Like his management......
Yeates' New Gm
JIM MARTIN has taken over a5, sales director/general manager of the coach division of W. S. Yeates. Mr Martin joined the company in 1973 and became north western coach sales......
Duncan Confirmed At Motec
THE ROAD TRANSPORT Industry Training Board has confirmed its choice of a new manager for Motec, its Multi Occupational Training and Education Centre at High Ercall in Shropshire......
Brook Joins Bet
NATIONAL BUS Company de puty chairman and chief execu tive Robert Brook has beer made a non-executive directo of United Transport Interne tional, the wholly-owned sub sidiary of......
Millard, Mbe
JOHN MILLARD, general mar ager of Victoria Coach Statior London, since 1978, has bee invested as a Member of th British Empire. He was made an MBE in th Queen's Birthday honours......