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P Floods
Cumbria hauliers face long detours CAT COVER STORY By Christopher Walton and David Harris HAULIERS IN Cumbria were hit hard by flooding, with many roads closed due to rising......
Iii Traffic Regulations
Brewery group sLams 'naked' street scheme in Camden BREWERY LOGISTICS Group (BLG) has hit out at the sudden decision by Camden Council to strip 4s high street of road markings.......
Pu P
Award for STAS economy tipper THE AWARD FOR Best Vehicle at the Trailer '09 show in Belgium was presented to STAS for its new V-Streamline bulk tipper. The trailer adds......
Operators Are Having 'f.: To Count The Cost Of Fuel...
The average diesel price at the pumps now stands at 100ppl (more than £5 a gallon) in the UK, while the bulk price sits around the 90ppl mark. Liam Quinn, owner of York-based......