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"protect Railway Branch Lines"
'WE have to guard against encourag VV ing any competition with the ailways, otherwise we might be conrooted by the decision of the Railway Necutive to close down branch lines."......
- 24ourt Ruling On Farm Products K Haulier Successfully...
- 1 the King's Bench Divisional Court, St Friday, against a decision of the ingston-upon-Hull Stipendiary Magisate that bundles of animal skins irried from a ship at Hull Docks......
P.t. •and Fuel Duty Attacked
T HE export achievement of the motor industry placed it in the lead in the country's drive for economic recovery. It was disturbing, hcfwever, that it should be called upon to......
Certifying Officers Meet' In Birmingham
A CONFERENCE of certifying officers which was held in Birmingham last week was the first of these biannual meetings to be held outside the London area. The object of the......
New Luxury For Passengers
T HE first two of 40 A.E.C. Regal Mark IV coaches to be run on the Edinburgh-London service were delivered to Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., last week. The bodies were built by......