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Weight Changes : "tribunal Must Make The Eventual Decision"
T HE Transport Tribunal will have to make a decision in the controversy about changes in the carrying capacity of vehicles during the currency of a licence. This was stated at......
Egg Board's Ruling Ousts C-licensees
1 - 3. A NEW regulation by the Egg NEW Board means that eggs hitherto carried under C licence will now have to be transported in B-licence vehicles. This was pointed out at St.......
Objectors Withdraw In Transfer Case
A N agreement has resulted in British Road Services. British Railways and 10 hauliers withdrawing their objections to an application by Mr. H. W. J. Cox. a smallholder. of......
Revocation Effects Described
T HE way three associated companies tried to offset the loss of three revoked A-licence vehicles was described at Hanky, last week. to the West Midland Licensing Authority. Mr.......