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Furniture Fleet Achieves
GH LOADING FACTOR Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. Distributing From Two Central Premises and 26 Branches, and Performing Removals, Welsh Border Operators inter-work Vehicles to Reduce......
New Rail Debts Bring U.t.a. £61,330 Loss A Net Loss Of
£6l.330 was incurred in the year ended September 30 last by the Ulster Transport Authority. This was brought about, according to the Authority's annual report, because they were......
Works Services Not Always Possible
A LTHOUGH the public naturally pre fer to have express bus services direct from their homes to places of employment, this cannot always be arranged. Mr. F. Williamson, chairman......
"employers Must Check Rest Periods"
S EARCHING inquiries should be made by people who employ drivers to ensure that the men do not do anything in their rest periods which could be construed as driving. This was......