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Windsor Cordon To Become Permanent?
1ERKSHIRE County Council wants its controversial Windsor 2ordon to become permanent, and is making moves to put it nto effect in November. This follows the presentaion of a......
Go Need For More )arking
HE TRANSPORT Minister as asked in the Commons to 'sure that adequate free parng would be available for avv goods vehicles when e EEC regulations on driving lurs came into force.......
South-west Don Depot
DON International, manufacturer of brake and clutch linings, has opened a new distribution depot in Bristol. The 6000sqft building is on the Jarvis Street Industrial Estate in......
Sweden's Fuel Rises
DIESEL and petrol prices in Sweden went up last week following the latest OPEC rise. Diesel went up by 20 Ore a litre, bringing its price to SKr1.15 a litre (12p, or about 54p a......
Business Picks Up Again
A SURVEY on the financial state of the road haulage industry published this week and covering 300 companies for 1978 shows that Scottish Road Services (Forth) Ltd had a 131 per......