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Passing The Buck
kS A MEMBER of the en)ineering staff at London Transport's Fulwell Garage, I am writing to refute, before they 'Awl the now standard LT ex.:use "We can't get the spare )arts,"......
Naste Time Nith Lt
WAS MOST interested in the .1tter from David Lock (Dear Sir, une 15) who has been trying to in London Transport as a bus rive - . l, loo, tried to do this and was accepted for......
The Voice Of Sanity
HOW REFRESHING to read your recent article about Ulsterbus and in particular to note the comments of its managing director Werner Heubeck. 1. Ulsterbus is able to put a bus......
Cb Radio Relevant
I REALLY must take exception to the comments (CM, June 29) by Mr Bolton of the TGWU on Citizens' Band. Surveys conducted in the USA show an average saving of 15,000 lives per......
Drivers Are The Losers
I HAVE noticed a lack of comment on the very relevant and topical subject of Citizens" Band radio, in your editorial and letters pages. This strikes me as a very curious state......
The Matter In Hand
ABOUT the story in CM, June 29, "Union raps CB radio." surely Mr Bolton's place is to worry about his members" wishes. The cost of CB is a luxury whim of the man in the cab,'......