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Encroaching On Hauliers
" I CAN understand you wanting to I use your vehicle to capacity, but you must find some other way of doing it instead of encroaching upon the livelihood of established......
Coach Summonses Dismissed
QIX summonses at Marylebone Court last 'week by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority against Mr. George James Miller, trading as Miller and Sons, Purley Road Garage,......
. Coronation Tours
A N application has been made by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority to run a three-day-tour from Leeds to London for the Coronation ceremony next......
No More .taxes
A NY future increases inluef taxation should not apply to public transport undertakings. Manchester Transport Committee is to recommend its city council to put such a case to......
Building Plans Postponed ('swing To The Economic Position...
the steel shortage, the Ministry of Transport has asked South Shields Transport Committee to postpone its £29,000 plan for extensions to the municipal transport depot. The......
Aluminium Exports Rule
T HE Board of Trade has announced that as from July 1 the price below which it restrictt exports of general manufactures of aluminium will be increased from £180 per ton to £220......