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£200 A Day For Safety
N O fewer than 31 different types of protective clothing and equipment are issued free to employees of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd. This costs the company nearly 11,000 per week,......
Daimler's Initial Success In Edinburgh
L'AVOURABLE reaction to the con1 version of one Edinburgh tram route to motorbus operation is reported by the "Edinburgh Evening News." In a recent report, passengers are quoted......
A.c.v. To Increase Capital
A N extraordinary general meeting of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., is to be held on July 9 to consider passing resolutions for increasing the company's' capital by the......
Progress Of Simms Equipment Qpeaking At The Recent Annual...
general meeting of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., the chairman, Mr. Tom Thornycroft, reported a record year of continued progress, With the highest sales and profit figures in the......
No Witnesses: Application Dismissed
WHEN John Findlay and Co. (Conn' tractors), Ltd., Lochee, applied to operate a vehicle within a six-mile radius of Dundee, it was stated that the vehicle was needed to replace......