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27th June 1975, Page 4
27th June 1975
Page 4
Page 4, 27th June 1975

Tug-of-war Over Passenger Association Membership

by CM reporter LOCAL AUTHORITY passenger transport undertakings are this week in the middle of a tug-of-war over their policy towards joining the confederation of British Road......

New Confed President

rIM SKYRME is to be the next )resident of the Confederation )f British Road Passenger 'ransport. Mr Skyrme has )een the chief executive of he National Bus Company ince 1972, and......

50-vehicle Cut For Scottish Road Services

, CUTBACK of 50 vehicles on le operating licence held by catfish Road Services Ltd ras ordered last week by the cottish Licensing Authority tting in Aberdeen. The comany's......

Car Transporter Rate Trimmed

THE Price Commission has lopped 4.5 per cent off a 19.83 per cent rates increase application for car and truck transporting by Silcock and Colling Ltd. This was one of 72......

Bridge Strength

MODERN BRIDGES would require no strengthening if lorries of the weights permitted in other EEC countries were allowed in Britain, said Mr Neil Carmichael, Under-Secretary DoE.......