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Albu Reduces Ascroft Licence
• Lancashire haulier and market gardener G Ascroft & Sons has been allowed to change its operating centre despite an environmental representation from a relative of the managing......
• Commercial Motor Has Compiled A Nationwide Legal...
27.50 (inc P&P). It includes names and contact numbers of top transport lawyers and legal experts. Send cheques or postal orders payab l e to Commercial Motor (Legal Directory)......
Coach Passengers Keep Driver Awake
• Passengers on a speeding coach had to take it in turns to sit beside the driver and talk to him to keep him awake, a court has heard. Birmingham magistrates ordered Allenways......
Lost Interest • Morecambe-based Operator William Daw, Who...
problems on running an old vehicle and "losing a bit of interest" was given a public warning by North Western Deputy LA John Levin at a Manchester public inquiry. However, the......