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Fold-away Load Control
• Portable load control gates that fold and stow into the roof when not needed have been fitted into new Chereau-built reefer trailers for TIP's Bristol branch. Each gate can......
C-f's Power Pullers
• Special nuclear flask carrying semi-trailers built at a cost of around £1 million by Crane Fruehauf are entering service with Nuclear Electric and Scottish Electric power......
Saudi Takes 150 Pods
• POD, of the Stringer group has won an ill I million order to supply the Saudi government with 150 demountable medical units, all to be based on the Landrover Discovery. The......
Rally Support From Bevan
• Dunlop Motorsport's latest 13m stepped semi-trailer from Bevan Motor Bodies is being used to support Nissan's rally team. Built on a two-axled M&G air sprung chassis, it uses......
Willinghams Converts Ultraliner
IN Recovery operator and manufacturer Willinghams of Thorngumbald. near Hull has converted a 6x4 Mack Ultraliner for use on its own fleet. Extended to a 5.33m outer axle spread......
Thermo King Updates Sbill
• ThermoKing has introduced an improved SBIII freezer unit for 26-pallet reefer trailers, the first one is currently on trial with Rockold International. It uses R502......
New Newland
• Newland Coachworks has been set up by our former Besco employees at Unit 5, Ransotne Road. Far Cotton, Northampton to build traditional rigid dry freight, curtained, tipping......
Bs Beware
• The British Standards Institute wants operators to beware when considering buying equipment from firms claiming to build 'to BS5750 standards'. Potential buyers should make......