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Derbyshire Haulier Faces A Vendetta
by Juliet Parish • A Derbyshire owner-driver believes he is the victim of a hate campaign after winning a hotly contested contract from ECC Building Products. Richard Newman......
A One Raises The Stakes
• A One Transport of Gildersome, near Leeds, has offered its 100 drivers a 2% pay increase after five months of negotiating with the TGWU. The union is waiting to hear if the......
Fewer Checks For Well-kept Trucks
by Karen Miles • Operators of well-maintained vehicles are set to benefit from "good conduct passes" which will free them from repeated delays at roadside checks. The Vehicle......
Truck Bosses Call For Higher Truck Weights
• An increase in maximum vehicle weights is "essential" if Europe's roads are to accommodate the growth of freight and the problem of congestion is to be overcome, according to......