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*high Compliment
Felix Wentworth, of Schweppes Ltd., who has chaired the highly successful BIM forums on physical distribution, paid an exceptional tribute to one of the speakers at last week's......
*blocked Channels
Our man from behind the Curtain tells me that there was a most inappropriate little hitch at the opening of the IRU Congress in Budapest this year. Professor Dr. Csanadi,......
*do You Czardas Often?
The social side of the IRU meeting enabled the Hungarian host association to excel itself. Not only with excursions and receptions, but with Hungarian music and dancing—and a......
* Playing Singles
An AEC enthusiast, D. Kellett from Morecambe, who was a bus driver until crippled by polio, writes to voice his regret that the famous triangular AEC badge is apparently to be......
*no Gong For Service
Here's a thought: why are export awards limited to manufacturing, well deserved though these may be? The point has just been raised in public. While Chloride Overseas Ltd. was......
*doubtful Duologue
Conversation piece allegedly overheard on a west London bus:— Passenger "I want to go to Uxbridge." Conductor "We don't go to Uxbridge." P: "But it says 'Uxbridge' on the desti......