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Q We Have Been Asked Recently To Quote For The Construction
and/or improvement of passing bays for traffic serving farm establishments. What is the maximum weight and axle loading permitted for articulated tippers, the length of passing......
Q My Company Operates Seven Petrol' Engined 15 To 17cwt...
vans which on average cover 40,000 miles a year. We are contemplating replacement of these vehicles with diesel-engined counterparts to obtain improved operational economy.......
Q I Operate A 1955 Leyland Beaver Which
was originally a platform lorry operating with a drawbar trailer. But the lorry has been converted into an articulated tractive unit with a 12ft Sin. wheelbase. How will it......
Q I Have Been Offered Work On A Contract A Licence Which...
A A contract licence is entered into between two parties and they have normally to satisfy the Licensing Authority that it is a genuine contract. The licence issued in the name......
Q 1 Have Recently Been Offered A Contract
A licence with a manufacturing company to carry its products to building sites throughout the country. The company supplies a vehicle and pays £25 per week wages, plus hire......
A , Am Considering Entering The Car Disposal Business And...
a craneequipped tipper lorry to collect scrap cars and deliver pressed scrap to steelworks, and also to use a scrap lorry for taking flattened body shells to a shredding plant.......
Q As I Wish To Organize A Party To The Commercial
Motor Show this year could you give me the appropriate dates? A This year the Commercial Motor Show will be open to the public from Friday, September 20 to Saturday, September......