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Monocoque? No Pmblem
• Large monocoque structures such as panel vans or truck cabs have traditionally been too big for conventional body repair systems. Now Celette Churchill has launched its System......
Refidish Container Haseframes
• The protective coating Teuclad was developed at the research laboratories of Mebon and its parent company BP Chemicals, and formulated to control corrosion on container......
Going Straight
• MAN Volkswagen and wheel alignment equipment supplier HTC (Nottingham) Ltd has collaborated to produce a training video — Going Straight — on commercial vehicle wheel......
Brake Dust Vac
• Redashe now has a heavyduty vacuum cleaner — priced £189 — to remove brake and other hazardous dust from workshops. The Brake Dust Vac, British made, is rated to BS 5415,......
Sir, In response to the remanufacturer feature in the February Workshop we were concerned about the overall contents of this report, not least the implication that the facts......