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System Lobes 60 Points Air And Water
• Interlube Systems makes a range of multiline, automatic lubrication systems capable of serving up to 60 points with fluid grease, standard grease or oil. Reservoirs play an......
Bigmoulh Gives Voice Warning
• United Crest has brought out a reversing alarm — BigMouth — that reproduces the human voice, which it reckons is safer than bleepers since pedestrians have been knocked down......
Water Detector
• Fosroc water-finding paste detects the presence and level of water in diesel oils, gas oils and gasoline. Apply a thin film to a dipstick for, say, measuring contamination in......
• Trailblazer, a liquid cleaner for lorries and buses from Mayvil Chemicals, has a biodegradable formula to provide both water scale control and contolled foaming. It may be......
Cooled Torches
• A new range of air and water-cooled MIG welding torches for dip, pulse or spraytransfer up to 600A using hard, soft or cored wires up to 3.2mrn diameter is now available from......
99.9% Of Dust Removed
• Lorries, trailer bodies and double deck buses re-sprayed and finished at PMT Engineer in g's new facility at Stoke-on-Trent will reap the benefit of a specially designed LUTRO......
Pilot Fog Lights
• Bosch's new Pilot range of driving and fog lights are just 62mrn (2Yzinch) deep and are available in both round and rectangular format. The lenses are sealed water tight and......