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Br Now To Run
bus services? BRITISH RAIL chairman Sir Peter Parker was principal speaker at the conference, and played on CPT's intitial to speak on Towards a Commonwealth of Public......
Real Cost Of Inflation
IT WAS STATED recently in Commercial Motor that hauliers' costs have increased by 20 per cent over the year — yet the newly published Tables of Operating Costs, when compared......
Fire Brigade Flummoxed
I WAS MOST interested to read Know the Law — Hazard Warning Labels (3) (CM, September 14). I feel I should point out, however, that the word inflammable as shown in the......
Who Knows George?
I MAY BE able to help you with some information about 'George', the yellow VW LT31 featured in the Light Vans Livery Competition (CM, September 14). When I was working in a......