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Interface Up To It
Hands up all those who knew an - interface with the media" was a Press conference? And how many of you Smart Alecs knew that an "ongoing scenario" was simply continuing to do......
Skinned As You Wait
The sleight-of-hand specialist who can unknowingly relieve you of your braces without removing your jacket is a bungler compared with the scientist. The forces of science are......
A Good Gas!
A Calor Transport driver who had a good idea has won £3666 with it. This is a quarter of the first year's net saving of £14,500 a year which the company will make by adopting......
Quarts In Pint Pots
Much of Britain's motorway mileage has now reached the age of decay. This has been accelerated by the appalling winter and many sections need urgent repairs. The consequent lane......
Jobs For The Girls
The road transport industry is no longer the sinecure of male chauvinists. Women have infiltrated it in greatly increasing numbers so that 139,000 of its 818,000 employees are......
Prayers Please
The suggestion by a Devon vicar that parishioners should pray for garage owners not to profiteer on petrol opens up wide possibilities. What about a national day of prayer to......