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Ielp Us Net Bombers
A rmed police could be step/ 1 'k ping up spot checks of LGVs in central London as a direct result of last week's blast, say City of London police. Commissioner Owen Kelly says:......
Leyland Daf Vans Archbold Threat Fades
operation saved • The sale of the Leyland D-af truck plant is believed to be imminent, following last weekend's management buyout of the Birmingham van operation. Most of the......
Woman Boss For Irish
• The Irish Haulage Associat ion has elected its first woman president, Cavan haulier Shi.iln McCabe (pictured. right). At their annual conference in Cork last weekend Irish......
Tipping Tips • The Institute Of Roc% Transport Engineers Is
recommending that tip manufacturers put salr vehicles through a tilt t with the tipper body fu loaded and raised, in rk guidelines published th week.......
Tape Cutting • Hauliers Will Be Able T Lobby Government
task forces which are being introduced to reduce in( try red-tape: "If you feel we've got a regulation wrong," says Prime Min John Major, "let them km......
Impound Plea
• tiauliers should have trucks impounded if tl - k operate without an 0-1k says FTA director-gene Garry Turvey: "All righ thinking people must support tougher, yet fai......
Rail Pricing
• ! . }ie Transport Committee's second rep on rail privatisation say Government must revel policy towards charges BR to freight customers BR's statutory monopol immediately and......
Trading Places • Criminal Courts Need More Sympathetic...
to victims of trading malpractice, sa: Local Authorities Co-or nating Body (LACOTS) report this week.......
Limiter List • The Draft Consultatk Document Of...
Use Regulations gc ing the fitting, setting a use of speed limiters wi published by the Department of Transpc within the next two we(......