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Bird's Eye View
*Non-smoking I have never considered it good practice to smoke while driving: I well remember indulging in a bout of sneezing after getting smoke in my nostrils. A highly......
*man's World?
1 heard this week of two lorry drivers who between them have 57 years' driving experience and cover a total of 60,000 miles each year. Nothing unusual in that, you say—but wait......
Jack Wood, the Manchester Transport Training Group officer, is a man of few words. His first job when taking over his present post was to cut the group's name by two words. In......
*not So Bad
John Challis, that bouncy character from Dartford, was looking less buoyant than usual last week. The reason for his gloom? Apparently he had just heard of some small but......
*black Humour
Road safety is everywhere the order of the day, and all countries face similar questions as to the advisability of plastering roadsides with road safety slogans. I notice an......
*some Service!
Old buses never die ... And one that shows little by way of even fading is a double-decker which returned to Britain this week • after round-the-world trip. A Bristol K5G, with......
*it's Catching
The Prince of Wales started something when he addressed his liegemen in Welsh at his investiture. We reprint this piece from the current issue of Freight, the FTA journal:......