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I Will Be Emigrating To Australia Shortly
and have been offered a job working n Mack vehicles. Could you please give 70 any addresses from whom I could obtain es - vice leaflets or a manual? Also is there an merican......
I Some Months Ago There Was An Article
in the 'Transport Servicing and Equiplent" section on a belt-driven brake xhauster. I am fitting a 2.2 BMC diesel 'vine into a Humber Super Snipe and need Ire above-named......
31 Am A Motor Fitter Responsible For The Maintenance And
repair of a mixed teat of 13 artics. Would you advise me on 7y responsibilities regarding law? k You can be held responsible under the law for "causing a vehicle to be used in......
I Could You Please Explain The Basic Working Principle Of...
k An exhaust brake basically comprises a butterfly valve in the exhaust pipe that can closed to produce an additional retarding irce when the vehicle is overrunning the ngine.......
Q We Hevi Been Discussing The Question
of aces oration and braking performances of c,mparable vehicles with solid loads and liq4,id loads such as fuel. Have you any records which give details showing differences In......
Ci I Write Concerning The New H.g.v.
licences, particularly as they apply to timber haulage. Many timber hauliers use AEC Matadors and pole trailers—CM August 1, page 41, Table B. gives the various classes. An AEC......
Q Can You Give Me The Names And Addresses Where I
can obtain details of correspondence schools who offer lessons on road transport subjects? A Two such schools that to our knowledge have road transport courses are: Pitman......