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Rapid Cal Flany Grout Ii-how To Plan And Manage Small
company expansion .1.C. Ilazel end. 1.S Rcid you understand the consequences? The book is largely an easy read, and ends up with check lists, such as: Plan for rapid growth:......
Over and out, citizen SO THE Home Office through Minister of State Timothy Raison have once again put the block on CB radio. This time the axiom is government public spending......
Not Backing Leyland
D. MALLINSON'S letter on the T45 (CM December 8) finished with his asking when we are going to get an "I'm backing Leyland campaign?" The answer to that must be never. Who in......
Cautionary Tale
I REFER to the photograph of a welder in full flight in Commercial Motor, November 10. No good workshop manager would allow a welding job to take place right beside the plastic......
Help Please
I AM researching material for a book on "Zest and the Art of Management," which will deal with the indefinable quality that makes the difference between just doing a management......